Trait freya::prelude::Properties

pub trait Properties: Sized + Clone + 'static {
    type Builder;

    // Required methods
    fn builder() -> Self::Builder;
    fn memoize(&mut self, other: &Self) -> bool;

    // Provided method
    fn into_vcomponent<M>(
        render_fn: impl ComponentFunction<Self, M>,
        component_name: &'static str,
    ) -> VComponent
       where M: 'static { ... }
Expand description

Every “Props” used for a component must implement the Properties trait. This trait gives some hints to Dioxus on how to memoize the props and some additional optimizations that can be made. We strongly encourage using the derive macro to implement the Properties trait automatically as guarantee that your memoization strategy is safe.

If your props are ’static, then Dioxus will require that they also be PartialEq for the derived memoize strategy.

By default, the memoization strategy is very conservative, but can be tuned to be more aggressive manually. However, this is only safe if the props are ’static - otherwise you might borrow references after-free.

We strongly suggest that any changes to memoization be done at the “PartialEq” level for ’static props. Additionally, we advise the use of smart pointers in cases where memoization is important.


For props that are ’static:

#[derive(Props, PartialEq, Clone)]
struct MyProps {
    data: String

Required Associated Types§

type Builder

The type of the builder for this component. Used to create “in-progress” versions of the props.

Required Methods§

fn builder() -> Self::Builder

Create a builder for this component.

fn memoize(&mut self, other: &Self) -> bool

Make the old props equal to the new props. Return if the props were equal and should be memoized.

Provided Methods§

fn into_vcomponent<M>( self, render_fn: impl ComponentFunction<Self, M>, component_name: &'static str, ) -> VComponent
where M: 'static,

Create a component from the props.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl Properties for ()


type Builder = EmptyBuilder


fn builder() -> <() as Properties>::Builder


fn memoize(&mut self, _other: &()) -> bool


impl Properties for HistoryButtonProps
where HistoryButtonProps: Clone,


type Builder = HistoryButtonPropsBuilder<((),)>


fn builder() -> <HistoryButtonProps as Properties>::Builder


fn memoize(&mut self, new: &HistoryButtonProps) -> bool


impl Properties for LinkProps
where LinkProps: Clone,


type Builder = LinkPropsBuilder<((), (), (), (), (), (), (), (), ())>


fn builder() -> <LinkProps as Properties>::Builder


fn memoize(&mut self, new: &LinkProps) -> bool


impl<R> Properties for RouterProps<R>
where R: Routable, RouterProps<R>: Clone, <R as FromStr>::Err: Display,


type Builder = RouterPropsBuilder<((),), R>


fn builder() -> <RouterProps<R> as Properties>::Builder


fn memoize(&mut self, new: &RouterProps<R>) -> bool



impl Properties for AccordionBodyProps


type Builder = AccordionBodyPropsBuilder<((),)>


impl Properties for AccordionProps


type Builder = AccordionPropsBuilder<((), (), ())>


impl Properties for AccordionSummaryProps


type Builder = AccordionSummaryPropsBuilder<((),)>


impl Properties for AnimatedRouterProps


type Builder = AnimatedRouterPropsBuilder<((),)>


impl Properties for ArrowIconProps


type Builder = ArrowIconPropsBuilder<((), (), ())>


impl Properties for BodyProps


type Builder = BodyPropsBuilder<((), ())>


impl Properties for BottomTabProps


type Builder = BottomTabPropsBuilder<((), ())>


impl Properties for ButtonProps


type Builder = ButtonPropsBuilder<((), (), (), ())>


impl Properties for CanvasProps


type Builder = CanvasPropsBuilder<((), ())>


impl Properties for CheckboxProps


type Builder = CheckboxPropsBuilder<((), ())>


impl Properties for CrossIconProps


type Builder = CrossIconPropsBuilder<((), ())>


impl Properties for CursorAreaProps


type Builder = CursorAreaPropsBuilder<((), ())>


impl Properties for DragProviderProps


type Builder = DragProviderPropsBuilder<((),)>


impl Properties for GestureAreaProps


type Builder = GestureAreaPropsBuilder<((), ())>


impl Properties for GraphProps


type Builder = GraphPropsBuilder<((), (), ())>


impl Properties for InputProps


type Builder = InputPropsBuilder<((), (), (), (), ())>


impl Properties for freya::prelude::LinkProps


type Builder = LinkPropsBuilder<((), (), (), (), ())>


impl Properties for LoaderProps


type Builder = LoaderPropsBuilder<((),)>


impl Properties for MenuButtonProps


type Builder = MenuButtonPropsBuilder<((), ())>


impl Properties for MenuContainerProps


type Builder = MenuContainerPropsBuilder<((), ())>


impl Properties for MenuItemProps


type Builder = MenuItemPropsBuilder<((), (), (), ())>


impl Properties for MenuProps


type Builder = MenuPropsBuilder<((), ())>


impl Properties for NativeContainerProps


type Builder = NativeContainerPropsBuilder<((),)>


impl Properties for NativeRouterProps


type Builder = NativeRouterPropsBuilder<((),)>


impl Properties for NetworkImageProps


type Builder = NetworkImagePropsBuilder<((), (), (), (), ())>


impl Properties for PopupBackgroundProps


type Builder = PopupBackgroundPropsBuilder<((),)>


impl Properties for PopupContentProps


type Builder = PopupContentPropsBuilder<((),)>


impl Properties for PopupProps


type Builder = PopupPropsBuilder<((), (), (), (), ())>


impl Properties for PopupTitleProps


type Builder = PopupTitlePropsBuilder<((),)>


impl Properties for ProgressBarProps


type Builder = ProgressBarPropsBuilder<((), (), ())>


impl Properties for RadioProps


type Builder = RadioPropsBuilder<((), ())>


impl Properties for ScrollBarProps


type Builder = ScrollBarPropsBuilder<((), (), (), (), (), (), ())>


impl Properties for ScrollThumbProps


type Builder = ScrollThumbPropsBuilder<((), (), (), (), ())>


impl Properties for ScrollViewProps


type Builder = ScrollViewPropsBuilder<((), (), (), (), (), (), ())>


impl Properties for SidebarItemProps


type Builder = SidebarItemPropsBuilder<((), (), ())>


impl Properties for SidebarProps


type Builder = SidebarPropsBuilder<((), (), ())>


impl Properties for SliderProps


type Builder = SliderPropsBuilder<((), (), (), ())>


impl Properties for SnackBarBoxProps


type Builder = SnackBarBoxPropsBuilder<((), ())>


impl Properties for SnackBarProps


type Builder = SnackBarPropsBuilder<((), (), ())>


impl Properties for SubMenuProps


type Builder = SubMenuPropsBuilder<((), ())>


impl Properties for SwitchProps


type Builder = SwitchPropsBuilder<((), (), ())>


impl Properties for TabProps
where TabProps: Clone,


type Builder = TabPropsBuilder<((), ())>


impl Properties for TableBodyProps


type Builder = TableBodyPropsBuilder<((),)>


impl Properties for TableCellProps


type Builder = TableCellPropsBuilder<((), (), (), (), ())>


impl Properties for TableHeadProps


type Builder = TableHeadPropsBuilder<((),)>


impl Properties for TableProps


type Builder = TablePropsBuilder<((), (), ())>


impl Properties for TableRowProps


type Builder = TableRowPropsBuilder<((), (), ())>


impl Properties for TabsbarProps


type Builder = TabsbarPropsBuilder<((),)>


impl Properties for ThemeProviderProps


type Builder = ThemeProviderPropsBuilder<((), ())>


impl Properties for TickIconProps


type Builder = TickIconPropsBuilder<((), ())>


impl Properties for TileProps


type Builder = TilePropsBuilder<((), (), (), ())>


impl Properties for TooltipProps


type Builder = TooltipPropsBuilder<((), ())>


impl Properties for WindowDragAreaProps


type Builder = WindowDragAreaPropsBuilder<((),)>


impl<Builder, BuilderArgs> Properties for VirtualScrollViewProps<Builder, BuilderArgs>
where Builder: 'static + Clone + Fn(usize, &Option<BuilderArgs>) -> Option<VNode>, BuilderArgs: Clone + 'static + PartialEq, VirtualScrollViewProps<Builder, BuilderArgs>: Clone,


type Builder = VirtualScrollViewPropsBuilder<((), (), (), (), (), (), (), (), (), (), ()), Builder, BuilderArgs>


impl<T> Properties for ActivableRouteProps<T>
where T: Clone + PartialEq + Routable + 'static, ActivableRouteProps<T>: Clone,


type Builder = ActivableRoutePropsBuilder<((), (), (), ()), T>


impl<T> Properties for DragZoneProps<T>
where T: Clone + 'static + PartialEq, DragZoneProps<T>: Clone,


type Builder = DragZonePropsBuilder<((), (), ()), T>


impl<T> Properties for DropZoneProps<T>
where T: 'static + PartialEq + Clone, DropZoneProps<T>: Clone,


type Builder = DropZonePropsBuilder<((), ()), T>


impl<T> Properties for DropdownItemProps<T>
where T: 'static + Clone + PartialEq, DropdownItemProps<T>: Clone,


type Builder = DropdownItemPropsBuilder<((), (), (), ()), T>


impl<T> Properties for DropdownProps<T>
where T: 'static + Clone + PartialEq, DropdownProps<T>: Clone,


type Builder = DropdownPropsBuilder<((), (), ()), T>